I have a concept for a young adult fiction series called ‘Robot Farts’ that I’ve been working on for some time. I’ve written out synopses, spelled out characters, and even written a handful of chapters. I can’t wait to write it. I think it has potential, and I really want it to be good. So […]
Read More...Celebrating Four Years of Failing at Tumblr
I am an old man on Tumblr. I’ve seen kingdoms rise and fall, hipsters explained, memes analyzed, photo blogs rise, photo blogs fall. Most of the people I followed even two years ago are long gone. My friends that got me on the platform originally departed for greener pastures years ago. Yet I remain. Four […]
Read More...Celtx, why have ye abandoned us?
After several decades of increasingly high-powered computational devices, it seems like word processing software is something we should be able to take for granted by now. Writing on a computer has been a thing since the days of hybrid computer/typewriters. You’d think we have this stuff down by now. And for the most part we […]
Read More...New Short Play: Santa Shock
For those of you unfamiliar with these here parts, I regularly put up short plays and scripts on my other site Dungheap.net for people to use for free. The Dungheap is a rather eclectic collection of the floatsam that occurs when I’m just writing for the sake of writing or to recharge my batteries between […]
Read More...I’m in love with a mechanical keyboard
Maximum PC magazine is dangerous. To paraphrase Calvin and Hobbes, I saw a bunch of products in a magazine that I didn’t know existed, but now desperately need. That need for me was mechanical computer keyboards. A luxury product if there ever was one, mechanical keyboards use switches rather than the smooshy membrane things that […]
Read More...Last night I saw ‘Trevor’ and remembered that I actually like theater
With any form of art, it’s easy to get burned out by a stream of mediocrity. My former roommate and I had been on a mission to watch theater every week, and we went on a solid five week streak of shows that we could barely sit though. It was enough to make us question […]
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