Well folks, it was bound to happen eventually. After 11 years of continuously writing and posting new articles about vintage film photography, I’m taking a little break. But fear not! I’m still in love with retro tech – I’ll be focusing my efforts online on video games of the 90s and early 2000s. I’m launching a new YouTube channel called Super Gear Land, which will feature the same ridiculously in-depth looks at ultra-niche stuff you know and love.
To start out, I’m covering the five mainline Sonic platform games for Sega’s Game Boy competitor – the Game Gear. These Sonic games are the weird stepchild of the enormously popular Genesis games, and they’re a fun footnote in the history of video games. They’re also a group of games very near and dear to young Dan’s heart, and it’s been fascinating experiencing them all over again decades later.
Check out the first episode below!
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