If you’ve been paying close attention over the past week, you may have noticed that I’ve been quietly posting some new camera equipment reviews. They’re finally done and ready to go, and these are some big ones!
First up is my first foray into reviewing 35mm SLR film cameras, and I’m starting with one of my favorite cameras: the Nikon F100. It works great alongside a modern full frame Nikon DSLR like the D600, D750 or D810, sharing all the same lenses and many of the same features. I have loads more cameras waiting in the wings for reviews from both Canon and Nikon.
Second is a big one, a massive, in-depth look at the Impossible Project’s first foray into camera building: the I-1. It’s a fascinating camera, but difficult to recommend in its current form. Check out the review for all the gory details.
I’ve also gotten my hands on an awesome Mamiya 645 system, so I’m going to be exploring the world of medium format photography in-depth this summer as well. Lots of exciting things in the works!
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